Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Motivation Factors

Obviously the ideal situation in a classroom would be for students to be self-motivated.  However, this rarely happens in schools these days.  So, I have to find a way to get my students motivated to learn what I'm teaching because whether they want to be there or not they have to so why not make the most of it?  One of the biggest thing I want to make sure happens is that the time spent in the class is not wasted.  I hate it when teachers waste my time in class and so I don't want to waste theirs.  I think this will help to motivate them to do the work because they know I would never give them a task to waste their time.  This fits in with CLT because their schemas will be built so they know there is a point to the assignment.  I also want as much participation as possible because my content area is heavily based on discussion.  In order to motivate them to talk I want to make sure they feel as if whatever they say has a value, even if it is not exactly the answer I am looking for.  Not shooting down their answers is connected to CLT because their schemas will tell them that their opinions are valid.  There are other motivations but I think these two are the most important at this point.

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